Ding! Level 80 here I am! Reaching 80 snuck up on me, I barely had time to take the screenshot in the middle of some of the Argent Tournament quests. Speaking of the Argent Tournament, I'm really enjoying these jousting dailies. (The "go kill X Scourge" ones, not quite as much.)

But then, dailies suit my current play-style. The other weekend, I was on a roll of doing some sort of household chore for a while (say between a half an hour and an hour and a half), alternated with doing a couple of quests. I happened to be working on a couple of chains that follow the "pick-up-a-quest-go-to-area-with-mobs-and-return-to-same-NPC-repeat-ad-nauseum" pattern, so breaking it up that way made all of the back and forth a lot less annoying. And I got those chores done!
Since I often play in short spurts in that way, dailies fit in quite nicely. Of course, there isn't much point in doing rep grind dailies for gear this close to the release of Cata, but I'm hoping there's a
Crusader title in Naomi's future.
I'm having such fun with the Argent Tournament, maybe an RP story about them is in order... although with the Shattering upon us, perhaps not.