(In response to Anna's prompt Friday Five-Hundred: Midsummer Sun. And, hello!)A sweltering summer day sends Naomi off to pack a picnic basket and head to Lake Al’meth in Teldrassil.
Arriving before the strongest heat of the day, she spends the morning swimming in the forest lake and following the flighty wisps as they dash about.

Freshly baked bread, slices of dwarven mild, and some smoked sagefish make the perfect lunch to be had beneath one of the huge trees near the lake.
From her shady resting place, Naomi fishes away the afternoon, sipping on a blend of Rumsey’s Rum, wintersbite, and mint – an Azerothian mojito.
Since a warm drink just wouldn’t do, she always keeps a small dagger, icy chill enchanted, in the bottom of her picnic basket.

When the sun starts to sink beneath the green and violet leaves of the trees, the priest builds a campfire to roast her freshly caught smallfish.
For dessert, she digs out a slice of homemade cherry pie from the picnic basket.
Content, she leans back and closes her eyes.
When she opens them again, twilight has fallen and she knows that she can stay no longer.
The blissful day over, a shadow of melancholy briefly passes over her heart upon reflecting that she spent it in solitude.
A whistle brings her sweet elekk, Jingles, back from where he’d been frolicking along the shore.
Together they begin the journey home.
I like. Very mellow.